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Meet Our CEO


Darius Wright

Founder & CEO


Darius was born and raised in Durham, NC. He graduated from the illustrious North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering. 

During his senior year of college, Darius exemplified strong leadership and community service skills by serving as a Sucess Coach for the NC A&T College of Engineering. While in this role, he tutored students and provided mentorship that expedited their career development.

Throughout his professional career, Darius has gained invaluable experience within the fields of Network Security, Data Science, and the
Internet of Things (IoT).

His passion for technology inspired him to successfully facilitate a variety of technology clubs and S.T.E.A.M.S. events. The participants ranged from elementary students to senior citizens. 

Darius is a highly-motivated individual that seeks to empower our communities through education and services. 

Additionally, Darius is an advocate for preserving the Earth by reducing pollution and implementing clean, renewable energy. 

Darius Wright is constantly finding new ways to help others pursue purpose passionately!

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"The greatest gifts are the ones that never stop giving."

-Darius Wright, CEO

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